The vibrant urban mosaic of Denver reverberates here.
From perusing new records and vintage clothing, to chowing down on exquisite Cuban cuisine, to marveling at the canvasses of Clyfford Still, the Golden Triangle is where creativity, diversity, and livability collide.
The State Capitol building was erected in the 1890’s, transforming the area into the civic anchor of Denver. In the early 20th century, the “City Beautiful” movement launched major planning initiatives and new construction of government and cultural facilities to beautify the city center, and this legacy of neighborhood pride continues to this day.
Within the boundaries of the Golden Triangle you can find Civic Center Park, the City and County of Denver offices, the Colorado State Capitol, History Colorado, the Denver Art Museum, the U.S. Mint Museum, the Clyfford Still Museum, and the Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art. These institutions make up the civic and cultural axes of Denver, accentuating the rich mix of residential living, design offices, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, and retail that surround them.
12 Acres
festival, event, art, and chill space at Civic Center Park
Neighborhood Statistics
10,000 Pounds
the weight of the Scottish Angus Cow & Calf statues at Martin Plaza
likelihood that you’ll run into a dog on the street that you must pet
50 Million
coins a day printed at the U.S. Mint
In 2014 the Golden Triangle implemented a new Neighborhood Plan to meet the evolving market and social forces of Denver, ensuring a viable, prosperous future. In June 2016, the Golden Triangle received its official designation as a Colorado Creative District. This Creative District designation advances the Golden Triangle as an internationally celebrated arts and culture destination by encouraging urban revitalization, economic development, and support for community creatives.
Today, the Golden Triangle is flourishing. It maintains a sophisticated, storied character while enthusiastically welcoming new community members. Residents pass by extraordinary pieces of art on their walks to work; visitors explore everything from world-renowned museums to treasured local shops; and businesses choose to make their home in the energetic heart of Denver.
And yet, the best is still to come.

The City of Denver and a Stakeholder Advisory Group collaborate to create and implement the Neighborhood Plan. The new Metlo formerly Broadway Plaza motel, opened its doors in early 2014, offering spaces for local businesses, start-ups, and creative ventures, and quickly became a model of adaptive reuse in Denver's Golden Triangle neighborhood.
Photo: Eater Denver

The district began hosting a series of community meetings to engage local stakeholders and residents in shaping the vision for the district.
Initial public art pieces were installed, beginning to shape the district's creative aesthetic.
Photo: GTCD

The Golden Triangle receives its official designation as a Colorado Creative District, cementing the Golden Triangle’s status as the hub of Denver’s innovation economy, and procuring programmatic support from Colorado Creative Industries. Efforts to brand the area as a cultural and creative hub were enhanced, including street banners and district-themed signage.
Photo: GTCD

Voters approve a citywide bond package totaling $973 million for improvement projects, including $35.5 million for renovation of the Denver Art Museum, $431 million for transportation updates that will directly affect the district, and $138 million for GTCD institutions like Denver Health, the District 6 Police Station, and the Denver Central Library.
Photo: Denver Central Library, architect Michael Graves.

The Golden Triangle is named one of the “2018 Best Places to Go” in the New York Times. Writer Shivani Vora states, "Denver’s downtown, particularly the Golden Triangle Creative District, is fast becoming a vibrant arts center.
Photo: Kirkland Musuem Store. reopened to the public in 2018. The new location allowed for an expanded exhibition space and improved visitor facilities.

Streetscape and beautification projects, including tree plantings, improved walkways, and lighting upgrades, were completed to enhance the pedestrian experience. Programs to encourage creative businesses and artist studios to establish themselves in the district were launched.
Love This City / "Heart of the City" mural by artist Pat Milbery located on side of Leven Deli.