
You are a point of connectivity in the Golden Triangle! Your creative energy drives this eclectic district as a destination for local, regional, national and international participation in culture and community.

Your membership supports neighborhood beautification and maintenance like pet waste stations, graffiti removal and trash pickup. It provides a vehicle to bring residents and businesses together to celebrate our community. Representation, advocacy and having a voice in important community conversations are directly supported by your membership!

Remember the Neighborhood Plan that was adopted in 2014? Most importantly, your membership and participation will help us explore what you want from your community!

With your support we can deliver on these key neighborhood initiatives:

  • District Advocacy – zoning, urban design, social issues impacting the Golden Triangle, economic development, residential support and catalytic development
  • Infrastructure – wayfinding, parks/plazas/public spaces, placemaking, lighting
  • Mobility – connections, walkability, bikeability, public transit, parking
  • Maintenance – neighborhood beautification including graffiti, trash
  • Programming & Events – Final Fridays, neighborhood meetings
  • Brand/Marketing/Communication – newsletters that keep you up-to-date on neighborhood happenings, website maintenance, connecting with our partners

Membership Levels & Benefits:  Click Here for Brochure


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