The Golden Triangle Creative District (GTCD) is a nonprofit organization that serves the interests and needs of stakeholders (residents, businesses, civic, cultural and community organizations) in the Golden Triangle neighborhood. The GTCD would like to use this page as a helpful guide of community resources for all stakeholders.
District 6 Community Resource Officers (CRO): CROs provide assistance on issues such as neighbor disputes, public nuisances, zoning issues, fraud and crime prevention, and other neighborhood concerns. They attend regular neighborhood organization meetings and provide training on issues such as neighborhood watch, commercial and home security, gang awareness, crime prevention, and much more.
Officer Austen Munson
(720) 913-2906
Officer Cassandra Ulrich
(720) 483-3905
When should I call 911?
Only call 911 for the following reasons:
• To stop a crime
• To report a fire
• To save a life
For all other concerns, call the non-emergency line at (720) 913-2000.
Denver Police Non-Emergency Line, (720) 913-2000: Call this number to report the situations listed below.
• Any crime to a person not life threatening
• Burglary to a home not in progress
• Auto theft not in progress
• Parking complaints
• Loud music complaints
Support Team Assistance Response (STAR): STAR is a community program that redirects some 911 calls to a Mental Health Center of Denver social worker and a Denver Health paramedic. STAR re-imagines public safety using harm reduction methods and removing the police from non-violent situations. The team is trained to deal with mental health issues and has resources to provide people with help. Click here to learn more.
Need assistance, please call STAR at 720-913-STAR (7827).
Denver 311 Contact Center: Navigate city services or report neighborhood concerns.
Access the 311 webpage for more information, or contact 311 by phone:
• Within Denver dial 3-1-1
• Outside Denver dial 720-913-1311
For fast access to 311 services visit to report an issue or get answers to common questions on your desktop or mobile device.
Note: When submitting a 311 request online, please try not to list all the problems you are observing on the same request. The people who forward the 311 reports cannot properly disseminate them to the appropriate city departments when multiple issues are lumped together (i.e. drug use, trash around encampments, feces and urine). These 3 issues could be assigned to Denver Police, Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, or the Department of Public Health.
Denver City Council Meetings: All residents are encouraged to attend City Council meetings and speak on behalf of themselves regarding their neighbor concerns. City Council Meetings are held once a week on Mondays at 5 pm, and public comment sessions are hosted from 5-5:30 pm. Attendees must sign up in advance at noon on Fridays and are given 3-minutes to speak on topics they care about. Click here for all the details and meeting links.
For Denver Police assistance within the Golden Triangle contact Denver Police District 6.
District 6:
1566 Washington Street
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-913-2800
Website: District 6
District 6 Community Resource Officers (CRO): CROs provide assistance on issues such as neighbor disputes, public nuisances, zoning issues, fraud and crime prevention, and other neighborhood concerns. They attend regular neighborhood organization meetings and provide training on issues such as neighborhood watch, commercial and home security, gang awareness, crime prevention, and much more.
Officer Austen Munson
(720) 913-2906
Officer Cassandra Ulrich
(720) 483-3905
Property Site Assessment: Contact a District 6 Community Resource Officer to request a property site assessment to look for areas that might be vulnerable to crime.
Authorization Form for Enforcing the Denver Trespass Ordinance: This form authorizes the Denver Police Department to respond to reports of unauthorized individuals on personal property in Denver. Must be completed annually. Download here and follow instructions to submit to District 6.
Request for Extra Patrol Form: This form allows an individual, business or organization to request extra police patrol on an as needed basis. Download here and submit to District 6.
Neighborhood Watch Program: Neighborhood Watch means neighbors watching out for each other to keep our communities safe. When your block participates in the Neighborhood Watch Program, the City will install a Neighborhood Watch sign to alert passersby, and encourage newcomers that your neighborhood is organized against crime, and residents are looking out for each other. Visit the District 6 website to learn how to get started.
For City Council assistance within the Golden Triangle contact Denver City Council, District 10.
Denver City Council, District 10:
Chris Hinds, Councilperson
1437 Bannock St. #451
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 720-337-7710
Website: Denver City Council
Denver City Council Meetings: All residents are encouraged to attend City Council meetings and speak on behalf of themselves regarding their neighbor concerns. City Council Meetings are held once a week on Mondays at 5 pm, and public comment sessions are hosted from 5-5:30 pm. Attendees must sign up in advance at noon on Fridays and are given 3-minutes to speak on topics they care about. Click here for all the details and meeting links.
Denver Mayor’s Office:
Mayor Michael B. Hancock
1437 Bannock St. #350
Denver, CO 80202
Email: Submit contact form
Phone: 720-865-9000
Website: Mayor’s Office
Colorado State Representatives for the Golden Triangle Neighborhood
Senate District 34
Senator Julie Gonzales
Webpage: Julie Gonzales
House District 5
Representative Alex Valdez
Webpage: Alex Valdez